Sunday, February 4, 2024

"Mastering Measurable Objectives: The Key to Effective Course Design" (M3: Reinforcement Activity)

Writing clear objectives is very important in making a course work well for both teachers and students. These objectives need to be specific, so everyone knows exactly what students should learn or be able to do. They should also be measurable, meaning teachers can see if students are making progress. Objectives must match what's being taught in the course and are relevant to what students need. They also need to be realistic, so students don't get frustrated. When objectives are well-written, everyone knows what they're aiming for, and learning becomes more organized and meaningful for everyone involved. 

Mastering Prototypes in E-Learning Design: A Guide - M8: Reinforcement Activity

In e-learning design, the prototype is important in the iterative design process. It links conceptualization and implementation, enabling de...